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The No Loss Prize Savings Protocol. Save & Win. 🏆 Interfaces: pooltogether.com/interfaces Discord: pooltogether.com/discord
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The State of PoolTogether

February 20
PoolTogether has evolved considerably over the past year; so it's time to bring everyone up-to-speed on the state of the protocol!
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Morpho Prize Vaults Are Live on PoolTogether!

December 20
Meet the infrastructure to power a new kind of internet: Morpho 🤜💥🤛 PoolTogether.
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Introducing winETH: Save, Win, and Support Public Goods

October 17
A Charity Prize Vault powered by PoolTogether
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Base Rewards: The POOL Drip is live

August 13
TL;DR: The PoolTogether protocol is distributing 50,000 $POOL in bonus rewards on Base over the next three months.
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Base Prizes Are Growing: $200,000 Grand Prize Boost

August 01
The Grand Prize Booster is live on Base. $200,000 is being injected into PoolTogether prizes, over the next 2 months!
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Democratization of the Prize Algorithm

In PoolTogether V5, daily prize sizes are correlated with gas prices. With L2 efficiency reaching all time highs and gas prices reaching all time lows, this means that daily prizes have recently been worth a fraction of a dollar; hardly an exciting prize experience for most depositors. This may seem like an internal issue to the prize pool, but the easiest solution is in the hands of the depositors.
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Save and win on Arbitrum with PoolTogether

Saving money is boring and nobody likes it. It’s time to change that for good. PoolTogether is now live on Arbitrum!
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Prize Savings With PoolTogether Is Live on Base

Just in time for Onchain Summer: PoolTogether prize vaults are live on Base with boosted prizes over 30 days.
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Optimism Rewards

TL;DR: The PoolTogether protocol distributes an additional 87,000 $OP in bonus rewards across five prize vaults until October 31st.